Peanut Farm in Southern Georgia.

Tyler, Hideyo, Bert and I, back in the van, on our way from Atlanta to Ocilla GA.
Tifton, GA – Holiday Inn
9:04 am. Last night we played the first show of the tour in a small town in southern Georgia called Ocilla. The concert was in a very nice small church, and was part of their “community concert series”. CGT played this church two years ago, and they told us that we were the most requested group to return for the concert series. The show was really great, and the audience was wonderful. People of all ages filled the church and it felt like everyone was really into the concert. I even the teenage girls that were busy texting with their friends, stopped texting and listened!
The past few days we have been rehearsing in Atlanta at our friends Mark and Christine’s house. We were very productive in our rehearsals, reworking some of the new original pieces and also playing some music we haven’t played for a long time. I felt like these strong rehearsals helped make the first show of the tour a good one, as all three of us were playing very well. And the new original pieces that we reworked are sounding really good now, and got a great response from the audience.
It’s time to get back in the van and drive back to Atlanta for our show there tonight.
I attended your concert in Ocilla. WOW! A friend attended two years ago and bought a cd. I was thrilled when she told me you were coming back and immediately made my plans to attend! Ya’ll are amazing! Thanks for starting your tour with us. Don't forget to work on that song about your Holiday Inn visit in Tifton (I can only imagine what that would sound like)!